Sunday, March 18, 2007


Life is bleak and much is wrong with my world. Here is one attempt to look at both sides of a nasty reality. The comments are a little more one-sided, though.

And thanks to the Griff, I now know more about another lasting shame. Are we going to ignore it for another two decades?

Life is very long.

O you who turn the wheel and look to windward / Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you ...

I Tiresias, old man with wrinkled dugs / Perceived the scene, and foretold the rest ...

O Lord Thou pluckest burning ...

**** ****


Anonymous said...

Hugs. Seemed like you could do with one.

J. Alfred Prufrock said...

Ph, thank you. (Whaddyaknow, old men get lucky too!)
