Friday, July 01, 2005

Desultory patter

A first. Epochal. A-mej-jing. This is the first time ever I've posted from the car. *slight orgasmic tremor at the sheer tech-coolness of it all*

Maybe I should go a step further and upload a picture.
Oooooohhhh ... *much lip-twisting, finger-pointing-in-arbit-directions, crotch-grabbing and pelvic gyrations*

Ummm ... I give up. Google offers no pics of bald old rock-and-roll types, with or without sneer a
nd crotch-grab.

But this is still terminally cool. *purses lips and howls like happy (overweight) grizzled timber wolf*


Anonymous said...

arre, mighty enviable cheap thrills these are. *hand on paunch- wistfully sighing types*

kahan se kahan, eh?

nothing said...

errr..pleesh to note that not having email address only. so not being able to mail and kwonphaarm in adbhaansh. If reshpekted shaar pleejes, myself can be reached at anytime between 12th and 16th is bherri phain. oh, and notun kobita haj also been put up.

Anonymous said...

maaan! bhat bhill habben toh rael eshtate priches now!!!